"Ethnology of Cherkasy Oblast" Research Laboratory (headed by Syvachuk Natalya Petrivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor) that works at our University discovers something new about Uman every time. So this time, on the day before Easter, the students had a good opportunity to meet with the masters of Easter Eggs Painting, Svitlana Bas and Galina Polishchuk from Mankivka town. This meeting was part of an open meeting of the Student Scientific Society named after Chrysanth Yaschurzhynsky dedicated to the traditional egg-painting of the historical Uman city.

Svitlana Bas presented an exhibition of 150 Easter eggs she had painted for five years. The master recited her own poems and acknowledged that her inspiration for writing was in the painting of Easter eggs.

During the meeting, the teachers and students learned about the essence of the coded characters, the regional specifics of Easter egg painting and learned to paint Easter eggs using the traditional patterns of historical Uman. Each of the participants painted their Easter eggs which were perhaps not as sophisticated as the master’s works but still quite unique. And this work has given much pleasure to the participants.

The works of Galyna Polishchuk were of particular interest for the students. This master carves outstanding masterpieces on the fragile eggshell. The woman said that carving eggshells was a modern trend that required special technical equipment.

The meeting with the masters has introduced unique knowledge and skills of the folk Easter rites of Uman. It has awakened the creative abilities in the students like nature awakens in the spring.

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