Today is the Day of the Sun. On this wonderful day we honor our sun that gives us strength to live on the Earth. The Sun brings joy and light into all manifestations of our life, today and always.

Svitlana Sovgira, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Chemistry and Ecology, told the students about the sun day and reinforced its essence - the focus of intellectuals throughout the world on developing the ways to use the renewable energy generously given by the nature. The percentage of current consumption of the solar energy, sea waves, wind, and regular tides by the mankind is unacceptably small. Enthusiasts and professionals, community organizations and firms across Europe organize all sorts of activities related to the demonstration of solar power.

To draw attention to the possibilities of renewable energy, the European Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES-Europe), organizes an annual Day of the Sun since 1994 (on a voluntary basis).

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