On the 21st of February all nations celebrate International Day of Native Language, proclaimed at XXX session of UNESCO General Conference in Paris in 1999. This day was chosen to support language and cultural variety.

Among thousands of languages which exist on the planet, the native language is the most important.

Our Ukrainian language belongs to the richest languages of the world. Sophisticated people of different times – writers, scientist, and publishers made a lot for its improvement. Owing to them we inherited a well-developed, flexible literary Ukrainian language, with the help of which we can express different notions: from the most difficult terms up to emotions. National language is an endless ocean. It is a song, transmitted from generation to generation, from heart to heart. It’s a ballad – a work by national genius writer, it’s a fairy tale, a legend, a proverb, sayings… The Ukrainian language is such a rich and melodious! It is famous also abroad. You can’t be grown in a land without being fascinated by the beauty of your language. The national proverb says, “Who speaks his native language, has a healthy soul”.

International Day of Native Language for us, Ukrainians, is a reminder of many years humiliation from enslavers. At the same time this day attracts attention to the contemporary language situation in Ukraine and abroad (Diaspora) and to necessity of its preserving for upcoming generation.

Therefore, let’s love and respect our native language, taking care of it, reveal its greatness and power. Let’s preserve it’s beauty for upcoming generation!

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