"Our histories are incomplete without each other" - under this slogan the first discussion on a thousand years of common history of Ukrainians and Jews was held in Pavlo Tychya Uman State Pedagogical University. The event was held at the initiative of the History Department, along with co-organizers - the State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Stara Uman", National Dendrological park "Sofiyivka" of NAS of Ukraine, Uman Local History Museum, as well as media partner - "TV company Uman".

The following participants were invited: Anatoliy Karasevych, PhD, Professor, Dean of the History Department, Uman; Vladyslav Grynevych, Doctor of Political Sciences, a leading researcher at the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies named after I. Kuras of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv; Vitaliy Nakhmanovych, historian, leading researcher of the Museum of History, Kyiv; executive secretary of the Public Committee for the Commemoration of the Victims of Babyn Yar, Kyiv; Anna Kuzemko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher of the National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka", NAS of Ukraine, Uman; Oleksandr Melnychuk, the Director of the State Historical and Architectural Reserve "Stara Uman", Uman; Natalia Bilous, the Director of Uman Local History Museum, Uman.

the Canadian Charity Fund "Ukrainian-Jewish Meeting" organized the presentation of a book "Jews and Ukrainians: Millennium of Coexistence" (authored by Pavlo-Robert Mahochiy and Johanan Petrovsky-Shtern) and "Babyn Yar: History and Memory" (edited by Vladyslav Grynevych and Pavlo-Robert Mahochiy). Books were the result of cooperation between researchers in different fields of knowledge from Ukraine, Canada, the Netherlands, the USA, Israel, and France.

The following topics had been discussed: the history of cohabitation, light and rejected page in relations between the two nations, knowledge and understanding of the past as a means of overcoming the myths of ethnic stereotypes and prejudices.

Lecturers and students of the History Department actively participated in the discussion.

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