At Foreign Languages Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University has started mastering of Chinese, the language becoming very popular nowadays. Good results in studying can be guaranteed by native speaker as a teacher. Therefore, collective of Foreign Languages Department, headed by Nadiya Brit welcomed a new teacher of Chinese Chen Chenlin.

In 2011 Chen Chenlin received a master diploma in specialty “Language and Literature (Russian)” in Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University. Here he has also finished his PhD studies in specialty 10.01.02 Russian Literature. His thesis has a title”Short stories by Radiy Pogodin for children and teenagers in 60-70th of XX century (style, genre variety and hero’s problem.

He was working at secondary school, Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University, worked with on-line courses of “Chinese” and “Chinese Culture” for adults at Confucius Institute in Ukraine. This year the latter permitted Chenlin’s transfer to Uman State Pedagogical University to teach students in specialty 6.020303 Philology. Language and Literature (English), specialization Chinese at Foreign Languages Department.

Students of our university understand that foreign languages play an important part in people’s life, as it is means of outlook broadening, communication with foreigners. Knowing languages influence your attitude to surrounding world!

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