“A word is a weapon, music – a cartridge, you should shoot accurately!” This was the motto of All-Ukrainian project “Artistic Front”, which started this autumn. The project gathered poets from West and East, North and South for the common affair – to issue a booklet for soldiers in ATO! To participate in the project one should have sent a poem and short information about the author. Deadline of the applications was the 1st of November, and on the 5th of November the organizers chose 10 authors for publication in the booklet for soldiers. The booklets will be sent to ATO zone.

On the 7th of December, 2015 at assembly hall of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held a presentation of the booklet. Our students participated in the project. They brought with them warm clothes, food and money! The audience enjoyed a poetic performance. Some videos were made to authors’ poems included into the booklet. The poets didn’t hold a weapon, but there words were as accurate as bullets – they were ready to support soldiers by words and deeds!

A culmination of the presentation was a speech, made by representatives of volunteer headquarters “Razom (Together)” who told about interesting facts and events in the front, presented a video about soldiers from Uman, their life in war. The boys thanked all the indifferent citizens from Uman!

Volunteers handed in booklets, warm clothes, food and money. Soon a group with warm clothes and the other presents will reach East of Ukraine.

The project’s organizers are grateful to trade union committee (head Oleksandr Osadchyi), Foundation of Regional Initiatives, Student Council of Pavlo Tychyna USPU (head – Yevgenia Boroday), website of Uman “04744” (Yuriy Krasnovyd), designer of the booklet Tetyana Goriana. We want to believe that our country will meet its nice future soon, as there are people who are willing to put a small stone for build a base of our state!

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