Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Dear colleagues and students! In autumn we celebrate Education Worker’s Day – the holiday that makes us proud of our professional choice to serve Truth, Good and Beauty. We bow our heads to wisdom and self-sacrifice of education workers – teachers, tutors, lecturers and trainers; by your...
On September, 16th, 2010 conference of students self-government took place. The activity of USPU students council in 2009-2010 was analysed, tasks for the future were determined. New staff of the university students council including representatives of all departments, students club, trade union...
Dear friends! Lecturers, students and all those, who have connected their lives with education and science, my sincere congratulations on Knowledge Day! My special regards to the freshmen, who became the students of USPU. You’ve made the right decision and our staff will work hard to make you...
We’d like to inform lecturers, students and employees of the University about arrangements that will take place in the educational establishment considering the beginning of new educational year. August, 30 – extended meeting of the University Academic Council (10.00, assembly hall, building...
In the town of Svatove, Lugansk region on August, 20th -22nd Eighth All-Ukrainian Festival ”Slobozhanskyy Spas” took place. Our university collective “Gonta” consisting of Honoured Art Workers of Ukraine Valentyn Kupchyk, Petro Voloshyn and Vasyl Semenchuk took part in it. As we hoped, our...
Dear colleagues and dear students! Our congratulations with best wishes on our national holiday – UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY!! ЗWe wish you success in your hard educational and scientific work for the sake of strengthening of our young country, dynamic progress and development of our native...
Uman State Pedagogical University (IV level of accreditation) announces additional admission: 1. Attaining of higher education on fulltime curriculum for educational-qualification level “bachelor” – from August 21st till August 23rd, 2010. 2. Retraining (ІІ higher education). Reception of...
Today, 03.08.2010, the public meeting of University labor staff has taken place. Borys M. Zhebrovskyy – the first Deputy of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine – acquainted the audience with the directive of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine N 311-K from 02.08.2010 on...
In the reading-room № 1 (main building) scientific library organizes requiem exhibition “Those, who ran the risk of their lives for freedom’s sake are saved from death on Earth” devoted to Memorial Day of War Victims and 69 Anniversary of the beginning of Great Patriotic War (from 15th till 24th...