Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Foreign Languages Department accepted a guest from the USA, representative of Peace Corps in Ukraine Paul Маdruga. The program of two-day visit foresaw the realization of round table work on topic «American Tourism», with participation of masters of the Department and meeting of Club of European...
On 21st to 28th of November in building N 3 (near reading hall) there is book exhibition dedicated to the Great Famish Day. Organized an exposition “Memory candle” and opened revision of books, documents, materials, photos, pictures which show us that terrible page of Ukrainian history.
From October, 21 till November, 2, 2011 in the context of International Educational Linguistic Programme S.A.M.E.D.I.: Science, Art, World, Europe through the research and innovation took place a visit of enthusiastic students to France.
In the frames of scientific Internet-conference "Artistic education: theory, world experience, prognosis" that takes place of the initiative Scientific and research laboratory of pedagogical competence and chairs of artistic and pedagogical faculty of the university on site "Pedagogy - is yours",...
Students' day at the university is always very interesting and multiform. Students' council prepared detailed Programme of Students' day realization. Programme included photo conquest "Students' life", wall-pictures issue and wireless broadcasting, participation representatives of students'...
On the 11th of November at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was organized The Second Forum Final of youth initiatives and projects of Cherkassy region by the support of the head of Cherkassy region government administration, Hero of Ukraine Sergiy Tulub. University administration...
On the 3rd of November there was an educative and practical seminar titled : “Forex – foreign exchange market trade” organized by innovative business-incubator together with Chair of economy of enterprises and finance.
Problem of reforming a housing field is really important nowadays. To get on well with this problem there was a conference on the 2nd of November, organized by business incubator together with Chair of economy of enterprises and finance. Scientific and practical seminar was titled: “Reforming...
Within the framework of activity of the studio «International education» (leader Petro M. Hrabovyy) Foreign Languages Department held the Review Conference of students-participants of the international programs. Students shared the impressions about a stay in the United States of America in summer...
IV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Modern technologies of professional skills development of future teachers" took place in 28-29 of October, 2011 year at the university. Organizers of the conference were Scientific and experimental laboratory of the pedagogical competence;...