Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Andrey's vechornytsi are traditional fortune tellings on the day of a saint Andrey, very old slavonic custom. Once a upon a time vechornytsi began in the end of November and proceeded up to beginning of large post, girls took part in them mostly, though boys also. For the carrying out they found...
On the 13 of December - holiday in honour of sainted apostle Andrey Pervozvannogo. From old times it was marked by our ancestors. This old tradition is wonderful creation of human fantasy, which was accompanied by various actions.
Releases of magazines "Practice of management of education establishment" and "Practice of management of preschool establishment" declared a competition "Teacher sounds proudly" for the students of higher pedagogical educational establishments and young teachers of establishments of education.
Dear students, teachers, employees of university! The student of our university Alexander KOLOMIETS came to the finale of competition «Ros looks for talents». In order to win Grand Prix and glorified our university and all of Uman district, we ask everyone to send SMS with the text of «Рос39» on...
Defence of folk-lore and ethnographic practices of students of II-III courses of Ukrainian philology department was carried out on December, 8, 2011.
On December, 8, 2011 University has Regional competition in Science of Ukraine for students from 8-11 classes of comprehensive school. Themes of scientific researches were determined according to the plan of research work of laboratory "Ethnology of the Cherkassy region". A head of laboratory is a...
An interesting action passed at a campus of the university. Students' councils of resident halls decided to collect in an artistic-literary chamber creative and inspired people who live in resident halls. Own poems, prose, sounded. A warm pleasant atmosphere dominated.
On December the 7th the regular meeting of regional Council of rectors, directors of higher educational establishments of I-IV levels of accreditation was carried out at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogic University. The chief of Cherkassy Main board of education and science ODE Sharapa I.D....
On December the 2nd , 2011 in Uman district authorities conducted celebration of the day of disabled people. Children-invalids were present at age from 1 to 17 (109 children 1-14 years, 23 children 15-17 years). Volunteers of Student socially psychological service of USPU presented their...
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree “About giving an award of Ukrainian Presidant – jubilee medal of “20 years of Independence of Ukraine”. For personal contribution in social and economical development of Ukraine, professional achievements, work of many years and on the...