On August the 26-31 there was the “Geography in the modern world: problems and prospects " First Youth Research and Practice Summer School of the Russian Geographic Society in the village of Abramtzevo (Russian Federation ). It brought together the students and young scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Tajikistan. Yuriy Hanushchak, the Master student at Nature and Geography Department was one of the participants.

Photo: Yuriy Hanushchak, member of the Youth Research And Practice Summer School

The leading Russian and foreign scientists, including N.S. Kasimov , V.M. Kotlyakov, O.N. Chilingarov, A.A. Vasiliev, A.A. Baklanov, Jean Radwan, Alexander Murphy participated in lectures and master classes. The invited experts told the young geographers about the specifics of science under the influence of the social factors, the current problems of humanity and survival strategies of the society in the conditions of strong anthropogenic pressure on the nature, specifics of researches conducted by the beginner scientists.

Photo: Discussing the important geographic issues of the contemporary world

In order to identify the best pupils there was a team quiz game in which the team of the student of our University won. Yuriy Hanushchak was awarded a memorable Diploma and Certificate of the Participant by the Presidium of the Russian Geographic Society for activity and initiative.

Photo: Diploma of the winner

Photo: Certificate of the Participant of the Youth Research and Practice Summer School

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