On the 28th of October was held the first meeting of “Young Lecturer’s School of Professional Development” at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Moderator of the school is doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Pedagogical and Educational Management Chair Oleksandr Kobernyk. Opening te meeting, Oleksandr Mykolayovych underlined the importance of the new department in improvement of learning process, good quality of education and systematic training of new generation of qualified and competent workers, capable of creative work and professional development.

Pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work Olena Kirdan congratulated on the beginning of the work of school for young lecturers. Olena Leonidivna expressed her expectations as for the schools’ effect on professional development and motivation to improve pedagogical skills.

On important problems of organization of scientific, educational, methodological and educative work reported heads of departments and experienced pedagogues. Head of PhD and doctoral studies department Galyna Chyrva explained the main aspects of scientific work organization by PhD students and new admission conditions.

About lecturer’s work at the university, legal documents on scientific, educational, methodological and organizational activities of pedagogues told head of educational and methodological department Ganna Pavlenko.

The problems of work with subject literature at scientific library and lecturers’ image revealed director of the library, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor Tetyana Grygorenko and candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Larysa Tkachuk.

An important constituent part of work of young university lecturer is preparation to use educational and methodological support during teaching a subject. This problem was raised by candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Nadiya Stetsenko.

The first meeting of young lecturer’s school of professional development was fruitful and marked beginning of successful work of pedagogues-beginners to master professional skills.

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