3-10 June the 2nd year students of Natural Sciences and Geography Department had their work practice that included general ecology, zoology and chemical-technological practice. During the practice the students studied the environmental conditions, a variety of ecosystems, functioning of biogeocenosis, recreational impact on biotic and landscape diversity of the Southern Coast of the Crimea, and also the habitats of invertebrates, their diversity and populations.

The future chemists studied the technological processes at the ferrous and nickel plant in the town of Pervomajsk, the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant (in Yuzhnoukrainsk) and the wine industry in the town of Malorechenskoye.

Photo: Entry into the territory of the Southern Coast of the Crimea

The organizers of the practice are grateful to the trade union of the University for the support (trade union Chairman - Oleksandr Osadchiy).

Photo: The North Crimean Canal

Photo: The Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Photo: The Peak of the Yalta Reserve (Mount Ai-Petri)

Photo: The largest waterfall of Ukraine (Wuchang-Su)

Photo: The study of wine production processes

Photo: The Demerdzhi Mountain

Photo: The 500-year-old hornbeam

Photo: View from the peak of the Demerdzhi Mountain

Photo: Study of the landscape diversity

Photo: Study of biodiversity in the Black Sea

Photo: Farewell to the Black Sea

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