The 1st stage of scientific researches competition among students-members of Small Academy of Sciences (SAS) of Cherkasy Small Academy of Sciences department took place on the basis of Uman city gymnasium. The jury consisted of Philology and Arts section of English, such as Foreign Languages Department (USPU) SAS coordinator, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Olena Bevz, specialist in educational methods of methodological cabinet of Uman Municipal Council education department Olena Fludrenko, teacher of English at Uman general education school of I-III grades № 9 Lyudmyla Lagush.

Four works of pupils were considered, among them: Artur Boyko, Sergiy Kachan (Uman city gymnasium), Olga Podobedova (school № 3), and Polina Kabanchuk (educational complex General Education School of I-III grades № 10 – medical gymnasium”). All the researches meet the requirements of works of such level and have been worthily presented by competitors during speech and public discussion.

There is no necessity of arguing about foreign languages meaning in contemporary world, as it is like a visit card of each branch of studies. School students understand well that for the personal and career development very useful is a foreign language.

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