The student social and psychological services of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University invite everyone to visit the Indian Culture Festival that is going to be held in Uman on the 10th of August from 19.00 to 22.00 in the square near the "Komsomolets" cinema house.

Olga Pidgorna, the founder of the Indian Culture Festival in Uman and coordinator of social and psychological services says that the purpose of the event is to introduce the culture and traditions of India to the local population of our city. The organizers promise that the festival features an interesting, exciting exotic concert program with colorful and multifaceted culture of India.

- Both adults as well as children can take part in various competitions, workshops, - says Olga Pidgorna. - So anyone who wants to become better familiarized with the culture of this country should be waiting for the 10th of August in Uman!
Location: the square near the "Komsomolets" cinema house.

Date: 08/10/2013 from 19.00

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