On the 14th-15th of March on the basis of state establishment “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” was held I Inter-University Olympiad in specialty “Choreography”. Among the organizers was Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Students of our university from different year of studies in specialty “Choreography” went to defend the university’s honour. Among them were: Mariia Maiorova, Anna Khomenko (2nd year students), Anastasia Havryliuk, Anastasia Pokropyvna (3rd year students), Oleksandr Pishchaniy, Hanna Pidhorna (4th year students), Bohdan Kompan (5th year student) – members of national dance ensemble “Yavoryna” and national amateur ensemble of contemporary dances “Vizavi”. Each of the Olympiad’s participants is a bright, creative and initiative personality, all of them study well, participate in community life of the university. Students were prepared to the Olympiad by lecturers Lyudmyla Androshchuk, Serhiy Kutsenko and Anastasia Kryvorotenko.

The competition was assessed by honorable competent jury; representative from Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was lecturer Olha Bykova.

The theoretic round of the Olympiad was held in the form of tests. Our university students displayed good knowledge and received good marks.

The next stage was round executing round. Oleksandr Pishchaniy with a help of dance told a story about human spirit that is able to fly far away and subdue all the heights even after a hard falliing down. Hanna Pidhorna appealed to spring – clean, light and tender that brings hope for better. Bohdan Kompan showed indestructible spirit, frank, honest and merry Cossack’s temper. Anna Khomenko embodied image of a woman-mother, mother-Ukraine that embraces all her children, loving them. Mariia Maiorova revealed Ukraine striving for protecting herself from Black Crow that symbolizes enemies, willing to break her. Anastasia Pokropyvna showed Ukraine’s woman fate, her rises and falls, desire to give everything to dearest people. Anastasia Havryliuk emotionally transmitted a very tragic story of a small child, whose parents died in the war.

The most difficult stage was pedagogical round, with the help of which students could show their pedagogical skills, abilities to structure the lesson. Students of our university were distinguished by their clearness, originality, emotional filling and symbolism of each movement.

The best pedagogue was defined Oleksandr Pishchaniy, he demonstrated methodologically good fragment of a lesson, preparing a part of difficult dance “Ukraine’s Fate” for 7 persons. Hanna Pidhorna taught a 2nd year student Vasylyna Osadchuk of SE “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” how to use plasticity for image of Spring. Bohdan Kompan together with a 4th year student Oleksandr Derbentsov of SE “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” brought a piece of humour and love to life into the competition programme. Anna Khomenko helped to render an image of a woman-mother, mother-Ukraine to 2nd year student of SE “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” Vitaliia Roshkaliova. Mariia Maiorova demonstrated a fragment from executing work together with a 1st year student of SE “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” Iryna Polishchuk. Anastasia Pokropyvna taught a 2nd year student of SE “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” Iryna Poludenko how to find out figurative solution of a problem in choreographic composition. Anastasia Havryliuk showed a 2nd year student of SE “K. D. Ushynskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University” Maryna Kaluhina how to convey and render tragic emotions with the help of mimics, gestures and body’s plasticity.

According to results of I Inter-University Olympiad in specialty “Choreography” Anastasia Havryliuk, Anastasia Prokopyvna and Bohdan Kompan received certificates for participation in I Inter-University Olympiad in specialty “Choreography”, Maria Maiorova and Anna Khomenko were awarded by diplomas for participation and achievements in creative work, Oleksandr Pishchaniy received a diploma for his competence in methodology.

Our university student Hanna Pidhorna has won III prize place! Head of Choreography and Fine Arts Chair at USPU Lyudmyla Androshchuk was awarded by diploma for her work, high level of professionalism in preparation of laureate to I Inter-University Olympiad in specialty “Choreography”.

The participants in Olympiad are grateful to rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Honorary Education Worker of Ukraine Oleksandr Besludniy, pro-rector in scientific work and international cooperation, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Vladylena Sokyrska, dean of Department of Arts, Honorary Worker of Culture of Ukraine, associate professor Leonid Yatlo for his support of a tour, aimed at participation in I Inter-University Olympiad in specialty “Choreography”. Special gratitude is expressed to head of the university Trade Union Committee, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Oleksandr Osadchiy for financial aids.

The Olympiad has left behind a lot of positive emotions, impressions, as it is an invaluable experience, new acquaintances, outlook’s widening and a great opportunity for self-realization.

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