On the 9th of February in the assembly hall of Uman city Council was held a ceremony of competition’s “Uman Christmas Carrols” participants’ awards. As a result of the competition, owing to USPU students videos they received diplomas and prizes.

University’s Student Concil participated in the city competition “Uman Christmas Carrols”. During January the all the people in the city were singing Chrismas songs – from professional vocal bands to shop assistants, from seven months old children to 70 years old grandparents. It was the first time for some participants to be shot. Their works the participants placed in social networks, where the other people could vote for them.

At about 700 Uman citizens participated in the competition. Students of USPU shot videos that were marked by prize from the jury. They were lucky to get certificates for discount in the shops and the Internet services. The prizes for winners in nominations and the other presents were distributed by the competition sponsors – private entrepreneurs.

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