The previous year started All-Ukrainian sequence of trainings in student self-government activities “STUD ACTIVE”. The aim of the information and educational project, initiated by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian Student Self-Government Association, student initiative “Clean HEI”, leading student organizations, was to create a powerful self-government with students active participation in organization of learning process; realize student projects; create student mass media.

Our Student Council representatives Yulia Pokholiuk and Daria Kraynova visited trainings “STUD ACTIVE”, which has been recently held at Kirovograd National Technical University. In the training participated students from 15 HEI of Kirovograd and Cherkassy regions.

As it has been mentioned during training opening, there was presented the best experience in all problematic matters of self-government. Many students are not satisfied with everything and wish to change educational process for better. Student self-government bodies have such power. The training’s listeners all over Ukraine prove that students are interested in changes and try to help to do these changes.

At the trainings were considered: legal and organizational aspects of student self-government activities in HEI according to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education of 2014; collaboration of student self-government bodies and HEI administration; influence of self-government bodies on education quality and organization of learning process; organization of elections to self-government bodies; corruption overcoming in HEI; collaboration with Student Trade Unions; work of student mass media; funding of student self-government bodies.

The event gave our students a chance to share our university’s experience, plans, innovative ideas, adopt experience of the other HEI of Ukraine.

Пресцентр УДПУ