The volunteer Students from the Student Social and Psychological Services of Sociology and Psychology Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU regularly hold mass actions for a healthy lifestyle. In order to raise awareness of the Uman residents about smoking and the deleterious effects of nicotine on human health, smoking prevention and maintenance of healthy lifestyles, discovering the creative abilities of children and consolidation of acquired knowledge, the Student Social and Psychological Services organize more events. Recently, the future psychologists together with the Youth Friendly Clinics, Center for Family and Youth and charitable organizations of the city were holding "a cigarette in exchange for candy" action dedicated to the World no Smoking Day. The World no Smoking Day was established in 1987 by the World Health Organization and it is celebrated on May 31 every year. During this day the anti smoking actions are popular all over the world.

In the course of action to encourage the smokers and non-smokers not to smoke, the volunteers exchanged cigarettes into sweets and handed out the information pamphlets and informative leaflets about the motivating effect of smoking on the human body. Today Ukraine takes the first place in Europe in the number of smokers and we can’t say it is harmless. Smoking is a serious medical and social problem. The complexity of its solution lies in the inconsistency of the attitude to smoking in society and its actual destruction of the human health. As stated by Honore de Balzac, “tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind and stupefies the nations”. Therefore, on the World no Smoking Day the student volunteers of USPU tried to draw attention of the Uman community to this problem and warn everyone, especially the children and youth from addiction which is the reason of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

The students managed to attract the attention of many passersby using the performance and slogans. Some people joined the action, some just watched. But nobody was indifferent. The anti-smoking action was organized in the framework of "Youth against degradation" campaign which was launched last year. Apart from the actions that promote a healthy lifestyle the volunteers were engaged in patriotic education. A true patriot can not drink or smoke. The purpose of a true patriot should be the wellbeing of the motherland!

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