Scientists of our university have been included to the cohort of successful professionals of Ukraine in the chronicle of achievements. The publication with the same name, which promotes research and activities of the Ukrainian scientists we can learn about the professional, scientific and public activities of Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor Svitlana Sovgira.

Svitlana Sovgira is a graduate student of our university. For more than 20 years of work she achieved great professional success. She is Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Head of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of its Teaching Chair, has a scientific school and more than 400 publications, manages the state budget projects.

We wish Svitlana inspiration, implement her plans and dreams, further significant achievements in the scientific field, do not stop and continue to create a positive image of our university.

Overall the book "Successful professionals of Ukraine" highlights the professionalism of researchers, educators, practitioners, high professional skills of Ukrainian scientists, whose mind and selfless work, overcoming difficulties, enrich the national and global scientific treasury.

The publication is a fresh source of knowledge and best practices. Each of the participants can share their experience, achievements, innovative ideas, unconventional approach to solving certain problems.

Пресцентр УДПУ