USPU representatives participated in the III International scientific conference "Education in the context of needs - opportunities - solutions" that took place in Slupsk (Poland). Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogics, Professor, Head of Specialized Techniques and Innovative Technologies Chair in Primary Education Department Olga Komar presented the report "The organization of training based on interactive technologies" and the lecturer of the same chair Oleksandr Shkurenko presented the report on "Study of professional communication in teacher education".

The program of the conference was supposed to visit two Polish cities - Slupsk and Ustka. After the conference opening ceremony and plenary session, the participants worked in sections according to themes, continuing discussion of contemporary issues of education. The hosts also made an exhibition on substantial scientific literature of its own publishing house, which was helpful to meet and gather new information.

It should be noted that Polish scientists were interested in the theme of Professor Olga Komar, and invited her to conduct trainings in interactive technologies for teachers of Pomeranian University.

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