The main task of library in contemporary world is ensuring with free access to information, preservation its literature. Beside the mentioned functions our university performs cultural, educational, communication and communicative functions. Libraries are connected with outer world, therefore partnership, collaboration and coordination become the main forms of life and promote to library worker’s professional competency extension.

Head of information technologies and computer support department of our university library Tetyana Naykus participated in international scientific and practical seminar “University Library in the System of International Collaboration: Significance, Experience, Possibilities” that was held at M. Maksymovych Scientific Library at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

Leading specialists in university libraries of Ukraine and Belorussia discussed a problem of collaboration of libraries in international format, international rating of European HEI, advancement of scientific publications, contemporary electronic resources, platforms and services of leading scientific issues.

Пресцентр УДПУ