Festive academy of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, dedicated to Day of Science has been held. The day before all scientific workers of Ukraine participated in IX All-Ukrainian Science Festival. Festive academy conducting has become a good tradition at our university. Traditionally, student choir sang an anthem “Gaudeamus”.

The event’s presenters were a head of Student Scientific Society Larysa Sauliak and a head of Young Scientists Council, candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor Maksym Slatvinskyi. They welcomedboth young and experienced scientists, PhD students, students and presented honorary guests – deputy mayor of Uman Lyudmyla Kyrylyuk and head of organization department at Uman regional council Serhiy Stschehliuk, head of education department at Uman regional state administration Olena Melnychuk.

Honoring scientific traditions and students’, workers’, PhD students’ achievements, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University rector, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oleksandr Bezlyudnyi said that the university’s fame depends upon scientists’ achievements, our university is proud of them and relies upon them.

The day before the professional holiday of scientists Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine rewarded workers and lecturers of the university for their contribution into Ukrainian science development: doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, first pro-rector Andriy Gedzyck; candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor, director of Scientific Library Tetyana Hryhorenko; doctor of pedagogical scinces, professor, head of Preschool Education Theory and Methodology Inna RohalskaYablonska. Our scientists were invited to festive rewarding by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Their work recognition at the highest level is recognition of co-workers.

For their high professional skills, big scientific achievements, great contribution into specialists training and on occasion of Day of Science Oleksandr Ivanovych handed in Honorary Diplomas of education and science department of Cherkassy regional state administration. Among honoured were doctor of geological sciences, professor, head of physical geography and geology chair Serhiy Polovka; candidate of geography sciences, assistant professor at geography and its teaching methods chair Oleksiy Sytnyck; candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at technology education chair Vitaliy Berbets; candidate of historical sciences, professor, head of general history chair Ihor Kryvosheya; candidate of physics and mathematics sciences, seniour lecturer of higher mathematics chair Tetyana Polischuk; candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of primary education theory chair Halyna Kobernyk; candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at professional education and profile technologies chair Tamara Kravchenko.

Head of the university trade union committee, member of Regional presidium of education and science of Ukraine committee workers Oleksandr Osadchyi delivered honorary diplomas of Cherkassy regional trade union committee organization of education and science workers to candidate of political sciences, assistant professor at social sciences chair Yaroslav Balanovskyi, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at the English language theory and practice Chair Alla Paladieva, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor at physical geography and geology chair Valeriy Mykolaiko.

Guests of the holiday – our city and district administration representatives were speaking about our university as a centre of science, education and culture, our students and lecturers as enlighteners, who raise Uman scientific prestige.

For great scientific achievements, contribution in theory and methods of scientific investigations, Uman scientific potential strengthening, qualitative education workers training, collaboration with community, many years hard-working and on occasion of Day of Science honorary diplomas from Uman city council and education department at Uman city council received a lot of lecturers.

The results of scientific and research activity are testified by publications of our students and lecturers in foreign and Ukrainian issues, monographs, books and manuals. Lecturers were handed in diplomas for great scientific achievements, contribution in theory and methodology of scientific investigations, their scientific publications, placed in USPU repository, prize places at competitions for the best manual and book.

To Day of Science were summed up results of competitions “USPU best young scientist” in 2 nominations: “The best young scientist” and “The best young researcher” in different categories. All the winners were rewarded by diplomas at a festive meeting.

Day of Science is about students’ achievements too. This year the university conducted Student Olympiads in 52 subjects and specialties. University students have prepared 31 scientific works to the second stage of All-Ukrainian competition in student scientific projects, and 39 students participated in the second stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad. Summing up, we have 1 victory at international level and 22 victories at All-Ukrainian level.

The victory in the competition “USPU best student-scientist” got a student of Primary Education Department in the field of studies “Pedagogical Sciences” Lyubov Baidyuk, a student of Ukrainian Philology Department in the field of studies “Philology and Social Sciences” Oleksandr Yakovenko, a student of Social and Psychological Education Department in the fieal of studies “Social and Economic Studies” Alyona Zavalko, a student of Nature and Geography Department in the field of studies “Nature and Technical Sciences” Tomas Rozhi.

In general, there were 140 rewarded lecturers and students, who had a lot of scientific achievemens.

The winners were congratulated by national amateur ensemble of contemporary dance “Vizavi” (art director – candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of Choreography and Art Culture Chair Lyudmyla Androshchuk), forth-year student of Arts and Pedagogy Department Oleksandr Bidenko, instrumental ensemble “Serbian Stars”, consisting of Oleksandr Georgevich, Yovanne Drmanich, Darko Markovich (art director – candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of Instrumental Performance Chair Olena Ustymenko-Kosorich), national amateur ensemble of national dance “Yavoryna” (art director – seniour lecturer at Choreography and Art Culture Chair Serhiy Kutsenko).

Day of Science – is one day-holiday, but scientific investigations are much more lasting! We wish you new creative achievements! The scientists’ work should be directed towards university’s prosperity, a good place in the rating among the other HEI of Ukraine, the international collaboration extension!

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