Each year in March is celebrated vernal equinox, and many Muslim countries of Middle and Small Asia, Iran, Afghanistan and the Caucasus celebrate a holiday Nowruz – a symbol of New Year, Spring and new positive changes in life of people. The true meaning of Nowruz is friendship and solidarity of people and nations.

This holiday was celebrated at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Students from Turkmenistan, who study at Professional and Technology Education Department, invited everybody to their traditional Muslim celebration. The event was organized by students-activists of the department under the guidance of deputy dean in work with foreign students – Oksana Koroban and deputy dean in educational work – Olha Dzoha.

During celebrations of Nowruz poetry becomes means of communication between people. Poetic “Congratulaions on Nowruz!” were performed by students Sherdana Baikulova ans Shaira Yuldasheva.

At the student’s event Dzhuma Dzhumaev and Takhir Shukurova performed songs about love. As an International holiday, Nowruz is also celebrated in Uzbekistan. Therefore, a representative from this country Oibek Abdykadirov performed a song-greeting on his language.

Students from Turkmenistan presented the traditions of Nowruz celebration; they treated everybody to national dishes: tasty pillow, aromatic samsa, mants, and eastern sweets. They also presented a dance, that symbolized preparation of the festive dish – sumaliaka.

Ukrainian students congratulated the foreign students with a song, performed by Tetyana Rusnak “We wish you happiness”.

Foreign students brought love and harmony for foreign students, and their national music together with good mood supplied everybody with positive energy for the future year.

In the end of the event dean of the department Stanislav Tkachuk congratulated foreign students on a holiday and sent letters-gratitude to their parents for patriots’ upbringing.

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