Last Saturday the amateur ensembles of Arts and Pedagogics Department ("Visavi" folk modern dance ensemble (Directed by Ludmyla Androschuk, Associate Professor), "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble (Directed by Sergiy Kutsenko) and "Musychni Viserunky" folk instrumental ensemble ( Directed by Vira Kalabska) took part in the final concert of the winners of regional contest of vocal and choral, instrumental and choreographic genre dedicated to 118 anniversary of the birth of Dr. Avramenko and the 60th anniversary of Cherkasy Oblast.

Festivities on the stage of Cherkassy Philharmonic Ensemble began with "Visavi" contemporary dance ensemble performing the "Snowstorm" choreographic dance (Directed by Ludmyla Androschuk) with the instrumental accompaniment of "Musychni Viserunky" ensemble.

Equally fascinating to the "Visavi" modern dance ensemble was "Tango over the abyss" choreographic composition performed by Inna Popova and Bogdan Shpak, the students of Arts and Pedagogics Department.

Finally, a striking performance of "Yavoryna" folk dance ensemble showing the "Jewish Dance" choreographic composition (Directed by Sergiy Kutsenko) impressed the audience.

So it is true to say that the amateur ensembles of the Arts and Pedagogics Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University have been recognized as the best in Cherkasy Oblast. Head of Cultural Administration of the State Regional Administration N.G. Dzura awarded the Directors of the creative groups and the students with the I Degree Diplomas.

The Directors and ensemble members expressed their gratitude for the strong support to Natalia Pobirchenko, Rector of the University, Professor, Olena Dudnyk, Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Associate Professor, and Oleksandr Osadchiy, Chairman of the trade union of the University, Professor.

We wish inspiration, professional success, energy and enthusiasm to all the ensemble members and group leaders!

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