Due to the successful implementation of field and laboratory researches by the scientists of the Geography Department at USPU at the Agrobiostation our University for the first time became a co-author of a utility model patent.

Congratulations to the patent authors - Sergiy Kots, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor and Ph.D., and Ruslan Yakymchuk, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. We wish them further creative achievements!

Photo: Utility model patent obtained in collaboration of USPU and Institute of Plant Phisiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Long time researches of the staff of the Chair of biology and methods of teaching biology of the Nature and Geography Department in collaboration with the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine held at the University Agrobiostation resulted in getting another utility model patent № 78755 "Strain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum PC08 (B- 7399) bacteria to obtain bacterial fertilizers for soybeans. " Sergiy Kots, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor and Ph.D., and Ruslan Yakymchuk, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (the Patent authors) with the support and assistance of Volodymyr Morgun, Director of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine had been testing the strains of rhizobia bacterias created by transposable mutagenesis for 10 years. Every year, some of them are implemented in agricultural production keeping the environment from excessive use of fertilizers and making agricultural production more affordable.

Photo: Analysis of the symbiotic system by the plant roots.

Photo: Preparation of chemicals for subsequent laboratory researches of nitrogen-fixing activity of plants.

Photo: Comparative gathering of soybeans by the students of the Nature and Geography Department.

Photo: The staff of Department of biology and methods of teaching biology with the authors of the utility model patent.

The staff of Nature and Geography Department expresses a sincere gratitude to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Pavlo Tychyna USPU for the opportunity to participate in the applied researches and engage the young scientists and students of the Department into implementation of those researches.

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