On the first of September Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University prepares to house the new students. During the Admissions Campaign we tried to create all the conditions for comfortable filing the documents. So the new school year all the students will receive their education in the no less comfortable conditions.

One of the advantages of our University is a modern material and technical facilities we try to improve every year. So every day we perform extensive renovations in the academic buildings of the University and the dormitories in order to meet all the students in the new, comfortable and modern classrooms on September the 1st.

Even now the regular and thorough remodeling of the classrooms, laboratories, workshops of all the Departments is done.

We try to modernize the dormitory rooms every year to approach the European standards. This year the students find themselves comfortable in the modern rooms, the renovated kitchens, bathrooms, and the lobby.

So we look forward to our students.

Пресцентр УДПУ