Perhaps only now that the fighting for securing peace and integrity continues in the east of Ukraine, we realize that Independence Day is our main holiday. In the morning a lot of Uman residents gathered in the downtown of the city. The representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University were in the center of attention. Many students and teachers of USPU exhibited their paintings at the exhibition of arts.

All participants of the festive event were wearing shirts. Their parade was something incredible! Everyone tried to touch the background of our sanctuary – the yellow-blue flag which was carried by the solemn procession to the monument of the great poet. The meeting participants performed the Anthem of Ukraine chanting the patriotic slogans. Ukraine above all! Baskets of flowers (mostly of the national symbol colors) were laid at the foot of the monument to Taras Shevchenko. Our national genius always inspires, raises the patriotic spirit of our countrymen. The words of our Prophet show us the right way in life: "Struggle and overcome. God help you! The truth, the glory and the holy will support you!"

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