On the 14th of May was held a real holiday of Talents – Arts and Pedagogy Department realized a large-scale arts and educational project “2015 Gifted Family – Gifted Child”. The event started traditionally the day before International Family Day and was dedicated to it. Since 1993 Family Day is celebrated in all countries of the world, paying attention to a family as society’s background, cultural and historical heritage of generations.

This year the festival of gifted families is more large-scale; among the participants are talented children and youth, soloists and bands, families from Cherkassy, Kirovohrad, and Vinnytsia region.

It’s well-known that talented children are born with talented parents. It’s the second time that the arts project “Gifted Family – Gifted Child” gathered plenty of talented families.

The first family who demonstrated their talents were Yakovenkos from Hrystynivka; they connected their life with music. This family can sing. Grandparents are especially proud of 10 years old Veronika’s achievements. She took part and won in regional, All-Ukrainian and International competitions, she has titles “2012 best national singer of Ukraine”, “Best Vocalist”, etc. Veronika’s mother and her teacher are members of the ensemble “Expression”, they started the artistic project with the song “This is my land”.

The general atmosphere from the song about Ukraine was changed by “Ballad about mallows”, performed by Veronika Yakovenko, who demonsrated her vocal talent and transferred feeling’s deepness.

An interesting story was proposed by choreography ensemble “New era” (art director – Victoria Losynska – graduate student of USPU). More than 10 years the band brought up many talented children. Now the ensemble performs at concerts, competitions, festivals of different levels, it was rewarded by diplomas and prizes.

Stepan Pavlenko’s poetry “A poem about dandelion” recited the youngest member of the family Oksana Musychenko. Stepan’s daughter is a member of National Writers Union of Ukraine, an author of many books, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at USPU. She inherited her talent from her parents – teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature. Maryna Pavlenko’s daughters try themselves in literature, but they are better in painting. Maryna’s elder daughter – Olha Musychenko, student of Mykhailo Boychuk Institute at design department – made an illustration to grandfather’s poetry.

Svitlana Bezyazychna is a talented daughter of Nataliia and Hennadiy Bezyazychny who work as teachers of piano class at P. Demutskyi Uman music school. Svitlana has started her career at the age of 4, now she is a laureate of International competitions and festivals. She skillfully performed a work by Victor Kosenko “Tokkatyna”.

The arts project “Gifted Family – Gifted Child” was embellished by choreography composition “Circus Horses”, performed by ensemble “Sun rays” (director – Victoria Losynska).

The event visited a collective from Shechenko specialized general educational boarding school. This establishement is a big friendly and creative family, which is directed by Honorary worker of Ukraine, laureate of Oleksandr Zaharenko National Teacher prize Lina Tereschenko. Ensemble of domrists “Aquarelle” (director – Oleksanda Marchuk, concert master – Larysa Demchenko) and ensemble of bayanists (director Yevgenia Lapska) presented music works of arts.

Very nice was a performance of the ensemble “Pearls” (director – Nataliia Prisych). Small vocalists performed “A song about language”.

Victoria’s Hlobchak students presented positive emotions. Choreography band “Step forward” always amazes by interesting and extra-ordinary performances. Staging “Restless ants” and “Carnival of parrots” rose the audience’s applause.

Zoia Shyshkovska is a talented teacher of painting at Uman child school of arts; over 20 years she has been teaching gifted children. Zoya Hryhorivna leads master classes in pysanka painting and motanka dolls. Her students are participators and winners of exhibitions, All-Ukrainian and regional competitions in imitative arts. One of her students, a five-year Sofiyka Kyshinko told some humour stories.

Her masterly skills demonstrated a young and talented Lisa Beherska, who performed music work by I. Mohnachov “The sea”. Since a child, she is fond of music. She has won in the competition “A small virtuoso”, International festival of young pianists “Magic keys” and the other competitions.

In Vakulenko’s family everybody is a musician. Victoria Victorivna is an art director of national amateur bands – vocal ensemble “Patterns” and theatre “Coeval”, choirmaster of church chorus “Blahovist” and Yuriy Mykhailovych is a music director of ensemble “Patterns” and theatre “Coeval”. They are well-known in the city, region and district. Victoria Vakulenko’s parents and children connected their lives with arts, music and creativity. Victoria’s student Olha Parakonna – a soloist of national amateur theatre “Coeval” presented a song by Victoria Vakulenko and her mother Lyubov Panchenko “The song flies into star worlds”.

Highly professional was the creative duet of Kovalenko family – Olena Serhiivna and her son Anatoliy – talented lecturers At Instrumental Performance Chair of USPU. Olena Kovalenko is a soloist of many orchestras and esembles, her students actively participate in city and regional competitions, they are laureates of regional, All-Ukrainian and International competitions.

Anatoliy Kovalenko is proud of his students. He taught to many winners and participators at All-Ukrainian and International competitions. The duet of guitarists with Anatoliy Kovalenko and his pupil Victoria Tsymbal presented a wonderful work by Alfonso Montessa «Milonga al Sur”.

Tsymbal’s family, guitarists from Monastyrysche performed very well too. Oleh Tsymbal, a teacher at Monastyrysche music school for children, together with 3 children fascinated by the composition “Brazilian dance” of H. Pernanbuko.

Choreography band “Boyfriends-girlfriends” (art director Victoria Hlobchak) created good mood by dance “The shoes”.

The audience met by ovations child ensemble of harmonists at Zhashkiv regional palace of culture. The members of this band are the students of Ivan Sukhyi. He is not only a director of the ensemble, but also a soloist and harmonist, scientist, accordions collector, director of the only one in Ukraine Ukrainian Accordion Museum. The guests from Zhashkiv performed “Telephon ringtones” and Ukrainian national melody “Invincible”.

Maria Bevz fascinated the audience too. Members of her family can sing and they have beautiful voices. The girl dances, writes poems and she’s volunteer. She sang a song about Ukraine.

In the end of the event the vocal trio “Honta” (consisting of Honorary Culture Workers of Ukraine” – Vasyl Semenchuk, Petro Voloshyn, Valentyn Kupchyk) performed a song “Family” by Nasariy Yaremchuk, wich was also sung by the projet’s participants and the audience.

Rector’s assistant, director of Musicology and Vocal Disciplines Chair Dmyro Baldynyuk thanked participants for the wonderful performances, rewarded by diplomas and gave presents.

The event was organized by Musicology and Vocal Disciplines Chair at Arts and Pedagogy Department, initiated by assistant professor of Music Arts Chair Zoya Syrota, presenters Lyudmyla Hekalyuk and Petro Voloshyn, author of electronic presentations Svitlana Radchenko created really a big-scale family holiday.

The arts and education project “Gifted Family – Gifted Child” was finished by the action “Arts is for peace”, the purpose of which was charity. The action united artists, those who are worried about Ukraine’s future, try to help and needs help.

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