Regular exchange program of student academic mobility between Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Jan Amos Comenius Higher State Professional School has finished recently. This year in the program participated III year student of Primary Education Department Victoria Goncharuk; she has been studying in Leszno (Poland) during winter semester.

During studies under European system of education the student had a chance to improve her knowledge in the Polish language and culture. Victoria shares her impressions “Being first-year student, I began to study Polish as I had a dream to visit Poland. That’s why when I got to know about a possibility to participate in academic mobility program, I immediately applied. Polish system of education differs from Ukrainian, and it was very interesting for me to become a student of EU country. Citizens of Poland are frank band kind people, willing to help the others. Lecturers and students amazed me by their affability.

Victoria travelled a lot when she had free time. She visited cities of Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic and Germany. “Architecture of the European cities is amazing and fascinating. This atmosphere is difficult to describe. There's some special appeal in these cities”, says Victoria.

On the eve of Catholic Christmas Polish students with the help of collaboration department at Amos Comenius Higher State Professional School and its director Mikolay Zgainskiy organized a party for foreign students (among them was Victoria) with traditional Polish dishes.

Photos of beginning 2015-2016 academic year, walking in the park (Warsaw), cities of Karlskrona (Sweden), Dresden (Germany), Prague, St. Vita Cathedral (Czech Republic), acquainting Polish traditions will remind the student program of academic mobility.

Owing to our USPU and Collegium of Interdisciplinary Individual Humanitarian Studios I met a lot of friends abroad, travelled a lot and studied interesting subjects. It was a very nice experience that changed my life for better. I’ll have unforgettable impressions all my life”, asserts Victoria.

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