Our university representatives took part in the round table under the topic “Science and Innovations: Ukrainian and Foreign Experience”, which was organized under aegis of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by Lawyers of Ukraine Association, High Royal Technical Schools (Sweden, Stockholm), High Professional School (Poland, Plotzk), High Humanities and Economy School (Poland, Wloclawek), Copenhagen University (Denmark), P. Pony Chemistry and High Molecular Composition Institute (Romania, Iassi). It took place at Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkassy National University. Except our colleagues, the event visited workers of Uman National Gardening University, Cherkassy State Technology University.

There were a lot of ideas, analysis of urgent scientific problems. The members of the round table were working in thematic directions: European grant programs; university science: challenges of time; innovative ideas and their realization perspectives; intellectual property law.

The speech on the problem “Transformation processes in university science: challenges for young scientists” made a candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of USPU Maksym Slatvinskyi. In the roud table also participated a lecturer of Social Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy Chair at our University Maria Kraeva.

The event was conducted on high level, all the participants received a lot of information, got unforgettable impressions.

Пресцентр УДПУ