Male vocal trio “Gonta” of Pavlo Tychyna USPU, consisting of honoured workers of Culture of Ukraine Petro Voloshyn, Vasyl Semenchuk, Valentyn Kupchyk, came back from zone of fighting in Donbas. In Donbas was held Arts Tour “Art Assault” in which participated famous public people, workers of culture, church, literature and science.

The trio’s members prepared and organized well Christmas concert program for ATO soldiers and citizens of Lugansk and Donetsk region. Our vocalists sang a number of Ukrainian national patriotic songs.

The performances of trio “Gonta” took place at military fields, places, camps, educational centers, clubs, lecture rooms, officer’s houses and hospitals. In such a way our artists thanked the soldiers our defenders.

Except of this trio “Gonta” carried out one more honourable and pleasant mission – delivered soldiers in ATO presents, paintings and best wishes from children of general educational school №1 (Uman) and their parents.

Artistic works by trio “Gonta”, sincerity of the artists impressed our defenders. They considered Petro Voloshyn, Vasyl Semenchuk, Valentyn Kupchyk as their friends and fellow-soldiers. This was mentioned in diploma delivered to our artists by command of military unit at ATO. The commander of military unit, colonel M. V. Bilosvit wrote “We believe that together with such patriots as you are, we will defend independence and territory integrity of Ukraine”. The gratitude for raised Cossack’s spirit and their art was expressed to the national amateur band – male trio “Gonta”.

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