On February 3-4, 2017 Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University held a two-day training on self-employment for internally displaced persons, combatants and persons with disabilities "Integration and stabilization support by providing livelihood for internally displaced people, suffered by the conflict in Ukraine".

During these two days, representatives of IDPs, members of ATO and persons with disabilities from Uman, Khrystynivka, Mankivka, Talne and surrounding villages learnt the basics of business planning, marketing, market and SWOT-analysis of business ideas and prepared their micro projects for implementation within the self-employment frameworks.

On February 17, 2017 the defense of micro projects will be held. Successful participants will receive 625 pounds (21 thousand UAH) for equipment. The development of self-employment helps this category of people significantly improve their financial situation, find themselves in a new capacity, develop and obtain necessary funds for this.

The Department of Social and Psychological Education of the University in collaboration with the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Population of Uman city council have provided active help in the implementation such an important social project of the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine, funded by the UK government, in Uman.

Пресцентр УДПУ