We honestly congratulate on their professional holiday all the hard-working, upright people, good agricultural workers.

Cherkasy region is famous by its grain production traditions, honest and hard-working people. Performing their duties of provision potential supply for our country, agricultural workers with their daily hard work and rich experience contribute to our state economic development and prosperity of its citizen.

It is well known that to work with cultivated lands is not easy. Owing to hands of agricultural workers, their wisdom and experience, our country takes leading positions in production of agricultural produces.

We are grateful so much to you, dear agricultural workers, for your love to land, industry and patience, soul generosity and devotedness to your work.

We wish you strong health, optimism, supply of energy, patience in goals achieving, believe in your strength and have always good weather. We wish you good shoots and harvest, peace and well on the earth!

Faithfully yours,
University Administration,
Trade union committee,
Student Council