We are living in uneasy wartimes, which take with them a lot of innocent lives who are fighting for peace and for all of us. We observe that the East and the West have united in uneasy struggle for unitary and undivided Ukraine. Our courageous heroes went to fight for the common affair – for national idea, priorities to live in free and democratic society, lawful state. Unfortunately, they provide us with peace and hope for prosperous future at the cost of their own lives. They are worth to be mentioned in films, books and at educational establishments. We should do EVERYTHING possible for them not to be forgotten!

II year students of History Department under the guidance of assistant professor at History of Ukraine Chair prepared and realized a project “To ATO Heroes Memory”. The day before the participants of the project had conducted a great research work which included information on ATO members of different parts of Ukraine search and systematization. The stories of perished defenders were really very touching.

By opening the event Olga Volodymyrivna mentioned, “Sometimes the only thing which is left is to remember. We should remember the names of heroes. They should not be lost at history’s pages”.

Except the information on Ukraine’s losses at the war, the students have prepared performance on the subject of the war. Nobody was indifferent to the poem “Let’s mention them”, made up by a head of Social Studies, professor Anatoliy Karasevych.

Among the guests of the event were indifferent community, founders of volunteer organization “Together” Serhiy Melnyck and Svitlana Skliarenko, citizens of Uman, who came back from the ATO zone.

We should do everything possible to approach the date of peace…

In the end of the event its participants went to Obelisk of fame, where they wrote the word “Peace” by lighted up candles.

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