Physics and Mathematics Department held traditional Week of Physics. A dean of the Department Oleh Avramenko invited all the present to participate in the actions, prepared by lecturers of Physics and Astronomy and their Teaching Methods Chair and wished success in joint creative work of students and lecturers, possibilities to open new sides of favorite subjects.

Competitions, quizzes, intellectual games, Light-hearted and Quick-witted Club games, exhibitions, Olympiads… took place this week. At the beginning there was an exhibition of physic devices, the students could get acquainted with it after its opening.

In the reading room of Physics and Mathematics Department was held a presentation of author books and manuals written by lecturers of Physics and Astronomy and their Teaching Methods Chair. The exhibition stand included at about 20 scientific and methodological books, among them were lecture courses, practical and laboratory works collections, sum books.

Physics is a wonderful science, which helps to understand a lot of phenomena and regularities of the world, this is a science, which answers to the question “Why?” Physics and Mathematics Department students know: to understand and like Physics you should understand a lot of formulas, graphics, laws. An intensive work in interesting tasks absorbed boys and girls, that seven days of their science passed very quickly.

The Week of Physics became a real holiday, which gave many students an opportunity to understand the world of nature by means of her Majesty Physics. According to them, participation in competitions gives a chance to review their knowledge and check them in practice, feel excitement and joy from victory, become one single team, united by the most interesting science about nature – Physics.

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