USPU visited Nurberdi Amanmyradow, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan in Ukraine and Moldova. At first he met rector of the university, professor Oleksandr Besludniy; first pro-rector, professor Andriy Hedzyk; pro-rector in scientific work and international collaboration Vladylena Sokyrska. A number of important problems concerning education, leisure activities and life of students from Turkmenistan were discussed.

It is worth mentioning that because of difficult social and political situation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions and according to decision, taken by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine about foreign students removing to the other regions of Ukraine from August 25, 2014 till November 15, 2014, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University welcomed 235 foreign students. 73 students have already received bachelor diploma, delivered by Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

In 2015-2016 academic year Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University admitted 76 students from Turkmenistan. Nowadays, at 11 departments of the university study 228 foreign students: 76 – at Physics, Mathematics and Informatics Department; 73 – at Nature and Geography Department; 33 – at Foreign Languages Department; 20 – at Professional and Technology Education; 10 – at Physical Training Department; 8 – at Institute of Economics and Business Education; 3 – at Primary Education and 3 – at History Departments; 2 – at Pre-school and Correction Education Department.

The Ambassador was told about adaptation of his compatriots to new living and education conditions that much attention is paid to getting to know peculiarities of Ukrainian culture and traditions. At the time of learning Ukrainian national traditions, people get to know about customs, culture and traditions of Turkmenistan.

During meeting with students the Ambassador accentuated on necessity to get to know interesting things and useful, necessary for their further career development.

Nurberdi Amanmyradow told about new building projects in Turkmenistan: roads, buildings, administrative buildings, bridges, etc. New working places are created and the students’ task is to increase their level of competency to come back home a qualified specialist.

The Ambassador appealed to the youth to take up science (he underlined the role of PhD department at USPU and mentioned that one student is already being studying there), study minimum 2 foreign languages that are being studying at the university. In addition, to do sports, because health is very important constituent part for being successful. Besides, the next year is held Olympiad in Turkmenistan, and Nurberdi Amanmyradow expressed his hope that his compatriots – students from Physical Training Department at USPU – would participate in the competitions.

The most pleasant part of meeting at USPU was Ambassador’s speaking his native language with the students.

Some interesting facts about Turkmenistan
* Turkmenistan is a closed country that uses neutrality status, approved by UNO.
* Turkmenistan became an independent from USSR country on 27th of October, 1991.
* Territory of Turkmenistan takes the forth place among CIS states.
* The population of the country is about 4,76 mln. people, the majority are Turkmens (77%), Russians (6%), Uzbeks (9%), Kazakhs (2%).
* In the capital city Ashkhabad live at about 800 000 people. The capital differs from the rest of the country – by infrastructure, roads, and living conditions. Ashkhabad is one of the hottest cities of the world, the temperature in summer rises up to +45° C.
* In Turkmenistan there are 33 state holidays.
* Turkmenistan takes the forth place in the world for reserves of natural gas.
* As for gas field Turkmenistan takes the second place in the world.
* Turkmenistan’s official currency is manat.
* Only 5 % of population in Turkmenistan uses the Internet. Access to the following websites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Live journal is closed.
* There is only one mobile service provider, which is called Altyn Asyr. It is translated “Golden Age”.
* Bread and salt are sacred products.
* Turkmens honour older people, they honour a mother and a father.
* Turkmens are polite people. They don’t use bad words as they can be beaten.
* The sacred animal is a horse. That’s why people don’t eat horseflesh. There was even a law on this.
* The country is rich in wonderful goods, which are forbidden to export. For example, it is forbidden export carpets and carpet goods without State Union’s “Turkmen haly” permit.

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