On the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated in the USPU started it work the third change of National and Patriotic camp “Action”, which is a subunit of Social and Psychological Education Department.

The action was conducted in the form of festive roll-call which was visited by soldiers of our army. Students sang Ukrainian songs, recited poems of Ukrainian poets and organized a patriotic flash mob

Dean of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Oksana Kravchenko blessed members of National and patriotic camp “Action” on their active and fruitful activities.

Students-volunteers will start their work after the change opening. Beginning from the Day of Peace until 1st of December in the university will be realized various national, patriotic and charitable actions

We wish all the participants in National and patriotic camp “Action” happiness, peace, supply of energy, optimism and new achievements.


National and patriotic camp “Action” functions at Social and Psychology Education Department from the 24th of September, 2014. In the camp participate student youth, and pupils of the city of Uman.

During the year a camp was divided into two changes and realized 50 patriotic actions: social, charitable, intellectual, volunteer, etc.

The innovative social project “National and patriotic camp for the student youth “Action” had won the first place in III All-Ukrainian distant competition of scientific works in social pedagogy and the III place in regional stage competition on nomination “Social Project”.

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