The traditional Gaudeamus hymn performed by the student choir has put a start to the University Solemn Academy. According to Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, this special event which had started not long ago became a good tradition. We can be proud of the Solemn Academy as we are proud of the other great traditions here. Congratulating the colleagues on the new scientific and creative achievements is not only an expression of respect, but also the proof of the progress of the institution.

From year to year, the reputation of the University as the leader in science, education and training quality pedagogical staff continuously grows. Professional teaching staff, including the respected Doctors and Professors, Associate Professors and Candidates of Science, outstanding teachers, well-known experts in their fields have played a great role in and made a significant contribution into the education of the young generation. Last year 9 teachers defended their Doctoral theses, 19 teachers defended their Ph.D. dissertations, and 33 teachers received their academic rank of Associate Professor.

It is necessary to say that the highest honorary award of our institution - the title of the "Honorary Professor of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University" was launched three years ago. During this time, the title of Honorary Professor was awarded to Sergiy Tulub, the Head of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration, PhD, Hero of Ukraine, Alexander Mykolaychak – the Vice-Rector for Research of Higher School of Professional Education named after Jan Amos Comenius in Leszno (Poland), a Professor, Vitaly Zhaivoronok, a prominent Ukrainian linguist, Professor, a leading researcher at the Institute of Linguistics named after O. Potebnya.

The Solemn Academy participants gave a round of applause to another candidate for the honorary title. Grygoriy Denysyk, a Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine received the mantle, cap and diploma of the "Honorary Professor of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University".

Grygoriy Ivanovych is the founder and head of the first scientific school of anthropogenic landscape studies which is the only one in Ukraine, he has been cooperating with the scientists of our University for almost 10 years. The former pupils of this school (Oleksiy Sytnyk, Iryna Kravtsova, Oleksandr Lavryk, Iryna Kozynska) are the teachers of the Department of geography and methods of teaching geography at USPU who defended their theses under the guidance of Professor Denysyk. Today, together with their supervisor they conduct the large-scale field studies of anthropogenic landscapes, write and publish the books, handbooks and monographs.

This year the cohort of University Professors has expanded. By the decision of the Certifying Board Sergiy Polovka, Head of the Department of Earth Science and Geology at USPU was assigned the title of Doctor of Geological Sciences. Stanislav Tkachuk, the Dean of Technology and Pedagogic Department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences received the Professor Certificate.

Valentyna Koval – the Director of the Philology and Social Sciences Institute, Dean of the Department of Ukrainian Philology was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in "Theory and Methods of Professional Education".

2013 was an outstanding year in the history of USPU due to the significant increase in the scientific and pedagogical potential of the team. It is especially pleasant to mention the fact of defending the Doctor of Science thesis. Natalia Koliyda, the Assistant Professor of Chair of social pedagogy, social work and history of pedagogy, scientific secretary of the specialized academic council of the University was the first in our University (and in Ukraine!) defended her doctoral thesis in two specialties: 13.00.01 – general pedagogy and history of pedagogy and 13.00.05 - social pedagogy. Andriy Tereshchuk, the Associate Professor of the Chair of Theory and Methods of Teaching Technology defended his doctoral thesis in "The theory and methodology of technological education in senior secondary school" late 2013; Oleg Avramenko, the Assistant Professor of the Chair of technical and technological disciplines, life safety and labor protection became a Doctor of Sciences in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Education (technologies). Tetiana Kochubey, the Vice Rector for Research and Education gave a brilliant defense of her doctoral thesis at the meeting of the specialized scientific council in Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

The team of Professors of our University was expanded too. Galina Bondar received the Certificate of the Assistant Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages, Olga Butenko became an Associate Professor of the theory and methods of preschool education, Olga Musyka became an Assistant Professor of Fine Arts. Andriy Yablonsky received the Degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences in the specialty "Educational and Developmental Psychology" and Oleksiy Melnyk obtained a Ph.D. in the specialty "Building structures, buildings and constructions".

A talented musician Vira Kalabska defended her dissertation ideas at the meeting of the specialized scientific council of the Institute of Higher Education of NAPS of Ukraine. Irina Udovenko successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economical Sciences. There is a good start of thesis defenses already in 2014. For example, Svitlana Cymbal – Slatvinska defended her PhD thesis on the 23 of January at Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University presented diplomas, certificates and letters of congratulations to all researchers and congratulated them on the achievements noting that they “deserve high respect, approval and admiration. We are proud of their success; appreciate the contribution to improving the scientific potential of native Alma mater”.

Natalia Semenivna congratulated Oleksandr Osadchiy, the Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Head of the trade union of the University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Early Childhood Education and Psychology and Nelya Skrypnyk, Associate Dean of the Arts and Pedagogic Department in educational affairs on their anniversaries.

Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Associate Professor, presented a report about the research activities of the University in 2013 at the scientific council meeting; she also voiced the rating of scientific work of the teaching staff in different categories.

The colleagues congratulated the authors of the best educational publishing houses on the basis of an annual competition of textbooks and the winners of scientific work competition in 2013. The Rector presented the certificates to the winners. The first place in the category "Best book" was given to the team of authors of the "The academic rhetoric" textbook - N.P. Syvachuk, I.M. Snigur, O.M. Sanivskyy; the second place was earned by the authors of the textbook in English (N.M. Brit, N.V. Gut, O.A. Zabolotna, S.P. Shumayeva, I.J. Shcherban; the third place was won by M.V. Dudyk, the author of the "Theoretical Physics" textbook.

A new amazing tradition was started at the Solemn Academy – awarding the winners of the rating of scientific work of the faculty of the University by the awards in the shape of the Greek goddess Athena symbolizing victory and success all over the world for many centuries. The winner of the ranking of scientific achievements among Doctors of Sciences and Professors 2013 became Oleksandr Kobernik – the Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Oksana Zabolotna, the Director of the Institute for International Cooperation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor became the winner in the ranking among the Candidates of Sciences, Olena Tkachenko, the senior lecturer of the Chair of enterprise economics, finance, accounting and auditing won the first place in the ranking of scientific achievements. In the ranking of the scientific achievements of teachers Sergiy Kutcenko, the lecturer in choreography and artistic culture, the head of "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble of Pavlo Tychyna USPU. They all received the statues of Athena.

Besides, a statuette award for "The best Chair in the rating of scientific activity of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University" was launched. The leader in this category is the Department of Enterprise Economics, Finance, Accounting and Audit the Head of which is Anatoliy Muzychenko, Doctor of Economics, and Professor.

- We hope that this symbolic award will be honoring the hard work of scientists of the main university department - the Chair, and the desire to receive it will promote the researches over the coming years, Natalia Semenivna says. “The statuette of Athena is so gorgeous in heaven freely spreading wide her wings. We wish it could be your muse inspiring you for new achievements every day and helped not only the today's winners but all of us. We wish you new scientific achievements and victories!

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