To celebrate the International Children's Day and to mark the first day of this year's work of the school camps in Uman, the Student Social Psychiatric Services at USPU with Youth Friendly Clinics, Uman City Department of Culture and the Family and Youth Center organized a bright cheerful holiday for children in the central park of the city.

The holiday started with a grand "For United Ukraine" flashmob of the students of Ukrainian Philology Department at USPU. The flashmob participants were giving yellow and blue ribbons to the children at the festival; and the latter ones eagerly supported the artists. Moving with ribbons in hands, saying patriotic words to joyful music the participants got together and produced lots of positive impressions.

The volunteers of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University together with the volunteers from the Pedagogical College of T.G. Shevchenko prepared entertainment for kids and fun games in the park. The USPU psychologists offered private and group counseling in the park. Also, everybody could leave their holiday wishes on the big salutatory greeting card made by the volunteers. Besides, there was a concert of the children of Uman School of Arts on the "Shell" stage, a puppet show was held near the fir tree on the central square. At the same time, the young artists had an opportunity to participate in the festival of children's chalk drawing, which was attended by the representatives of Uman Club of Vedic culture. They staged a musical mantra meditation, Indian dance lessons and painted the faces of the kids with beautiful patterns for free...

So everyone was happy and hilarious. The kids were smiling due to professional preparation of the holiday by the volunteers and the gifts from the USPU trade union. The organizers of the holiday believe that it is worth making efforts for the sake of happy moments in their lives! Happy holidays!

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