The Foreign Languages Department at USPU was holding the "Science and Education in the globalized world: traditions, modernity, and the future” International scientific and practical conference. The initiators of the conference have summarized the activities and announced the future plans.

The international conference was the outstanding event in a series of annual scientific activities carried out by the Foreign Languages Department at ??USPU in close cooperation with the Agency for Comparative Education of the Institute of Pedagogics of NAPS of Ukraine. This time, the conference was supported by the British Council in Ukraine. The honorable guests at this year's conference were Olena Grebennikova, the Vice-Rector of the Higher Professional Education, Head of the Chair of General Management of the "Academy of Social Management" state budget educational institution of higher professional education of Moscow region, Oleksandr Korostelyov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Chair of Economics and Management of Tolyatti State University, Malgorzata Yahodzinska Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Graduate School of Professional Education in Plock.

The abovementioned honorable guests also participated in the meeting of representatives of local branches of the Ukrainian Association of Comparative Education and International Education. This is made possible thanks to the participation of the representatives from over 40 universities and research institutions of Ukraine in the scientific forum. It is the high interest in the problems of the scientists from all regions of Ukraine and Russia, the USA, Poland, Uzbekistan, France in the above-mentioned that gives hope that this experience will last.

The guests at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University received the warm greetings of Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector who spoke about the traditions and contemporary life of the University. Nadiya Brit, the Dean of the Foreign Languages Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor was speaking about the Foreign Languages Department. Being the hosts of the conference they wished everyone fruitful work, interesting scientific discussions, and successful communication.

The conference was dedicated to several major issues, among which: the foreign languages ??in the modern world, the strategic development of foreign language education in the secondary and higher educational establishments, the higher education abroad in the light of comparative educational research, the academic mobility as a feature and advantage in the global world, the international experience of training the teachers, the secondary education abroad in the light of comparative educational research, the historical and educational research, the international context, the university linguistic studies, the traditions, modernity and future.

The initiators hope that this conference will promote the integration of various branches of scientific knowledge. It has already attracted the attention of not only the teachers, but also historians, linguists, and economists. Scientific debates continued on the pages of "Comparative educational studies" scientific and pedagogical journal will be published together with the conference guidance developed in the course of discussions and roundtables.

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