Efficient team collaboration is always particularly relevant. Successful and commendable results, the effectiveness and benefits of joint work is very important for everyone involved in cooperation. This opinion is popular at the Sociology and Psychology Department, Physics and Mathematics Department as they have united their efforts in the struggle to improve their students' cognitive leisure activities at the University.

During September and October the students of the Sociology and Psychology Department have a unique opportunity to visit the University "Planetarium" where the employees of Physics and Mathematics Department arranged a fascinating tour around the Universe. The participants of this kind of space travel were not only the full time students but part-time students as well.

Also, the Uman city orphanage children aged 6 to 16 have recently had an interesting trip into the outer space. Their older friends – the student volunteers of social and psychological services at the University have involved those children deprived of parental care in the educational tourism. The event was part of the social and charitable initiatives of the "Planetarium". Kids admiringly looked at the enchanting Universe which was almost in their hands with all its mysterious beauty. This has evoked unusual feelings in the young. Delight of the children knew no bounds!

Over the years the "Planetarium" had more than 14,000 visitors which prove the benefit of this multifunctional center. Indeed, the "Planetarium" educational center operates as a center for a variety of educational activities at the Physics and Mathematics Department and the entire University, it has been an experimental platform for research developments in methods of teaching astronomy, physics and computer science since 2004.

As a research and educational institution, the “Planetarium” hosts audio - visual lectures on astronomy and related sciences, shows the starry sky and allows performing simple astronomical observations. Educational demonstrations in the “Planetarium” for educational purposes have several advantages compared to showing the real sky to the students: projecting the observations does not depend on weather conditions and time, it is possible to demonstrate the appearance of the sky at different geographical latitudes, to "speed up” the time during the demonstrations of daily rotation celestial sphere, movements of the planets, the sun, to simulate a variety of current astronomical phenomena, for example, in the Star Almanac one can easily locate the coordinates of the celestial bodies.

It is pleasant to realize that our University with its "Planetarium" is a unique opportunity to give joyful moments of learning the interesting, beautiful and mysterious Universe.

Пресцентр УДПУ