The students of USPU have another chance to deepen their knowledge abroad.

Improving the quality of home education is now associated with the introduction of the European standards. Our University maintains the time-tested traditions and pursues self-development. Participation in international conferences in dozens of countries, "Samad" international project (France), "Work and travel" project (United States), youth exchange and international debates, old schools in Poland and many others raise the prestige of the institution, upgrade the professional level of teachers and expand the educational opportunities for students. Over 100 students, job seekers, teachers, postgraduates participated in 150 international conferences outside Ukraine last year. The University is the coordinator of two international projects in the framework of the ERASMUS MUNDUS, five participants of which study and conduct the researches in France, Portugal and Poland. The University students are successfully enrolled in the dual degree program of Adam Mickiewicz University. Ten students and university employees received diplomas of High School Managers in Legnica.

The international recognition of our University depends on the level of educational services, and thus any contribution into its development is strongly supported and approved, as well as the initiative of students to independently participate in various international competitions, win the grants, strive to upgrade their qualifications for the international job market.

The University students see the new perspectives - participation in the Prague Summer Schools. This seven-day training program is designed to bring together the students of different nationalities studying various specialties to enjoy the summer holidays in the unique academic and cultural environment.

The Prague Center for Public Policy represents the themes of the Summer Schools:

  • European Summer Institute on the Future of Europe: Lobbying in Brussels.
  • Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology.
  • Summer School on European politics: Interests versus Culture
  • Summer School on China: a World Super- Power - Myth or Reality
  • Summer School of Operations on New Development Cooperation: Breaking the Chains of Poverty
  • Summer School on Education: the Future of Schools.
  • Summer School on Globalization: The End of Consumption as we Know it.

Summer Schools will work in Prague, Czech Republic on July 5-12, 2014. Applications may be submitted by February 15, 2014.

For more information please see the website

Пресцентр УДПУ