An integral part of the educational reform in Ukraine is the issue of ensuring the quality of higher education and the improvement of policy of the educational quality management. These vital issues were discussed at the round table „The mechanisms of public and beneficiaries influence on ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine", organized by the Polish Cultural Centre of USPU.

The Head of Non-government organization “’Youth Television”the author of the project „Introduction of the Institute of Independent Educational Auditors In the System of Higher Education of Ukraine” Oleg Serniak was the moderator of the event.

During the round table work the questions of the European experience in quality ensurance of higher education, motivation and self-motivation of students to study, the mechanisms of public influence on the quality of higher education have been discussed.

Associate professor of International Economics, Marketing and Management of Ivano-Frankivsk Research Institute of Management of Ternopil National Economic University Oleg Sernyak, whose work became the winner of the "School of the Effective Governance: Advocacy” project, informed the participants with educational initiative such as the introduction of a public institution of independent educational auditors. The author mentioned that the introduction of an independent external audit will enable the educational institution to get an independent and objective assessment of the quality of educational programs and specialists training, publicly inform about a high level of quality of training, increase the competitiveness in the educational market, ensure and improve the employability of graduates.

The round table participants - USPU researchers and educators - actively took part in the discussion of important issues of reforming the national education system, mechanisms to ensure the quality of higher education in Ukraine, possible risks and consequences of the introduction of a public institution of independent auditors.

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