A master class on making vytynanky was held on May 22 at 11.15 a.m. in the reading room number 2 of the USPU Scientific Library. Everyone was interested to listen to the story of Olena Vitaliivna Semenova, the teacher of the Chair of Fine Arts on the history of vytynanky, techniques of cutting and how they are used today. In practice, everyone can try making some paper patterns.

"Vytynanky have their own specifics”, says the master. “There is a ribbon vytynanka. It used to be put somewhere on the windowsill, on the ceiling beam, on the shelves. There is the type called rosette vytynanka which is done in the shape of a flower or a star. And by the way, the word vytynanka is quite new. All kinds of vytynanka were named by types. There was, for example, a "tree" (Wedding, Easter or birth). Those paper decorations were cut out for some holidays. They used to find a special place in the house - between the windows or on the stove. They were hanging two or three weeks before they were taken off. There were also paper decorations hanging the entire year, they were called jambs."

The master class attendees had the opportunity to make their own delicate paper decorations which could be the front page of a greeting card and inside the card as a pop-up surprise. We are grateful for the active participation of the students of the Sociology and Psychology Department. Special thanks to our hosts - the students of the Ukrainian Philology Department Diana Podreza (group 12) and Natalia Yudchenko (group 35).

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