Recently, at Department of Arts was held a choreography festival “The Kingdom of Dance”, prepared by students-probationers of group 54 in specialty “Choreography” on basis of Uman general educational school of I-III grade №9 (supervisor of the probation period – head of Choreography and Fine Arts Chair, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Lyudmyla Androschuk; methodologist in choreography – Anastasia Kryvorotenko, methodologist in educational work – candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at Psychology Chair Iryna Yakymchuk).

The project has been supported by director of Uman general educational school of I-III grades №9 Iryna Tents, choreographer Nika Syzonenko, teachers, pupils and students.

Young dancers and students-probationers danced together on the stage. Such form of practice defence helps students to reveal their creative talents, improve skills of work with children, and the main – the result of the work can be observed by everybody. Fabulous arts of dance and inspiration unite everybody!

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