The hot day of July the 6th was extremely eventful. The festival honoring the folk traditions of Cherkasy Oblast was taking place in the frames of "Uman as the Cultural Capital of Ukraine" cultural and artistic project initiated by Anton Yatsenko, the People’s Deputy of Ukraine. USPU supported it and contributed to the creative ideas of the project.

The festival started in the “Sofiyivsky" National Park. The program was quite diverse. It included master classes taught by the staff of Technology and Pedagogics Department of USPU and other masters of arts and crafts of weaving wreaths, pottery, straw spinning, dance and festive launch of wreaths on the water for luck. The festive procession from the Sofyisky Pond to Ostashiv Pond with Marena, the main symbol of holiday, with the participation of our students and teachers has brightly impressed everyone.

The "Visavi" amateur modern dance ensemble from Uman State Pedagogical University (Headed by Lyudmila Androschuk, the International Contest winner) started the concert program in the "Sofiyivsky" Park. The ritual dance devoted to the Ivana Kupala festival and solo performance of Volodymyr Derenyuk, the student of Arts and Pedagogics Department of USPU won everyone’s admiration.

The Uman residents and the guests were amused by the performances of National Artists of Ukraine, among which there were Femiy Mustafayev, winner of international contest, Vitaly Duca, soloist of Cherkassy Philharmonic, "The smiles of friends" Ensemble of Volodymyr Troyan, "Charm" dance group, Andriy and Vasyl Tomilenko, honored workers of Ukraine and graduates of our University.

In the evening on the bank of the Ostashiv Pond there were mass festivities during which the Uman residents and guests were fascinated with the performances by famous bands and "Ukraine has a Talent" show. The products of Uman businesses were highly appreciated as well. The festival was concluded with triumphant and traditional jumps over the fire. The festival was great!

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