On 1 September the Pedagogical Lyceum closely cooperating with our University had a ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year.

Among the guests there were the representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University headed by Lyubov Shachkovska, the Vice-Rector on the work with the separate departments.

She addressed the graduates and those present at the ceremony on behalf of Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University, Professor, with a greeting speech: "Let this academic year open new horizons for the youth, expand their knowledge of themselves and the world, let the students make the teachers happy with their progress, let the parents be proud of their children. Let every your day and every step be bright, happy and rewarding. Stay healthy, achieve good results in learning, and take an active part in the social life. "

The ceremony was concluded with the traditional first school bell.

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