Our long term dream has finally come true! At last we opened our renovated and fully reorganized assembly hall of the University. The students, the teachers, the builders, and all the creative people of the University had been waiting for this special day. A modern meeting room for guests and friends, a real stage for the students to show their talents had been a cherished dream of our students. This truly grand remodeling project had lasted for almost a year. So the old University building is shining now, and the new assembly hall is sparkling beautiful.

An Assembly hall - is, to some extent, the business card of a school. So we hope that our renovated assembly hall has really become a "cathedral of art" in the "cathedral of science."

On behalf of the Rector, Dmytro Baldynyuk, the Vice-Rector on scientific and pedagogical work, Associate Professor, was taking the floor. He praised Volodymyr Goryniy, the contractor, for his hard and diligent work, Natalia Petrenko, Vice-Rector of the economic and commercial issues, and also the builders, the craftsmen, the electricians, and the engineers. He also expressed his gratitude to Olexandr Osadchiy, the Head of the trade union of the University, Vice President for Economic and Social Affairs, Valentina Kravchenko, the chief accountant of the University, Oleg Goncharov, the sound producer of the University and many others. He expressed appreciation for the work done and wished the University success and creative inspiration, good health and wellbeing, professional success, personal creative achievements and expressed a gratitude to the work contractor whose experts have transformed the assembly hall into a modern cathedral of art and culture.

The honorable guests who were invited to the meeting showed much appreciation of the project completed. Natalia Petrenko was also fascinated with the new lovely looks of the hall and thanked everyone who had put an effort into the reconstruction.

Victoria Mikhailyuk, the Head of the student council, was speaking with the words of gratitude on behalf of the students. She showed a true admiration and sincere gratitude for the University administration for a welcome gift. She asked the students to take care of the renovated hall, and maintain it a clean and tidy.

The concert of the creative teams of the University – a delicate lace of choreographic compositions, academic works, and modern Ukrainian songs, choral singing was concluding the meeting. The concert program was interesting and varied - full of good, positive emotions and cheerful mood! We thank to the organizers of the concert, managers and team members, soloists and narrator for the high professional level of performance for new artistic highlights.

Пресцентр УДПУ