The execution of the collective agreement between the university administration and the USPU collective for the 2015-2016 academic year was discussed at the conference of the university collective as the highest community authority body of self-government. In the conference participated delegates from departments, and sub-units.

From the moment of the agreement signing, the university administration and trade union committee controlled the execution of the points and discussed the results at different kinds of meeting of the university administration and trade union committee with the collective.

The work of the conference was productive; the execution of the Collective Agreement in 2015 was on agenda. According to results of inspection, the Agreement is defined as the best and the most qualitative in Cherkassy region.

Rector of the university, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Honorary Worker of Education of Ukraine Oleksandr Besludniy made a report on execution of the Collective Agreement between the university administration and the university collective. The rector analyzed in details the course of the agreement’s realization. Oleksandr Ivanovych paid attention to realization of the most important tasks of the university collective which consist in te following: high quality university education, based on principles of humanization, tolerance, democratization, pragmatism, practicality, continuity, differentiation, upbringing harmoniously developed future specialist, patriot of Ukraine.

The acting Collective Agreement directed towards preserving the previous work and further development of principles that guarantee social and economic protection of interests of USPU collective. The Agreement regulates labour relations, ensures organization and care of public health, and defines financial stimulation. As far as the report contains all the aspects of the university activity, the full report on the execution of the Agreement in 2015 will be published after.

Head of Trade Union Committee, assistant professor Oleksandr Osadchiy in his speech made analysis of conditions realizations in the Agreement, and concluded that they were successfully realized. He also analyzed the work of trade union committee on rights and interests protection of the university trade union committee organization, system of care of public health improvement, organization of improvement of salaries charging, social securing, and control for laws execution concerning health and labour protection.

Finally, the report was discussed. Pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work, professor at Pedagogy and Educational Management Chair, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Olena Kirdan accentuated on the improvement of system of external maintenance and control for education quality. The improvement was significant owing to creation of Centre of system of education quality functioning realization and realization of programs in education quality and quality of higher education of USPU in 2015.

To the realization of the administration’s obligations as for equipment and economic maintenance according to the Agreement paid attention pro-rector in economic matters Natalia Petrenko.

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Chemistry, Ecology and their Teaching Methods Chair Svitlana Sovhira explained different directions in work of her chair with global scientific problems, in particular, work of the scientific and research laboratory “Ecology and Education” at Nature and Geography Department of the university.

Deputy head of the university Student Council, IV year student at History Department Yulia Pokholiuk stressed the articles of the Agreement that concern development of student’s science, educational and educative process, using conditions of cultural development, social protection and recreation of students.

Delegates of the conference approved the rector’s report and contribution of the university administration and trade union committee to realization of the acting Collective Agreement.

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