Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University’s library offers its users testing access to platform PressReader.

PressReader – is the biggest kiosk of the everyday press, which contains 5000 newspapers and magazines from all over 100 countries in 60 languages.

The Platform PressReader was launched in 2013 (before it was a product of Library PressDisplay). The portal offers licensed news from the majority of issues, both printed with all pages and in innovative format SmartFlow, by which the articles are represented optimally to read from the screen of your device.

PressReader is:
* 5000 newspapers and magazines in 60 languages;
* newspapers in traditional format and size, which include the full content, pictures and advertisement;
* easy navigation and interface in 9 foreign languages, including Russian;
* fast article’s translation into 13 foreign languages, including Russian;
* possibility to publish any newspaper or any article;
* possibility of listening to (audio-version);
* sending the article to e-mail, its placing in blogs and social networks;
* simple and wide search;
* photo gallery of the main world events;
* mobile version for laptops and mobile phones.

The user’s manual is under the following link..

Пресцентр УДПУ